This job aid provides details for the preparation and installation of a Pole Mount with a BAG OF FAST-SETTING CONCRETE MIX.
View: 250/750 Foam Pole Mount Job Aid
Preparing for a Pole Mount

The only approved location for a pole mount is in firm ground, with no danger from flooding.
Structural Elements
Important considerations
DANGER! Locate power lines before you start the installation. These include overhead and underground power lines, electric lights, and power circuits.
- The Pole Mount installation requires additional materials not provided with the equipment
- This installation type may also require building permits. Technicians are required to check the local building codes
- The pole must extend at least 3 feet below the ground surface, depending on the frost depth, and be set in 150 lbs. of concrete
- Only use Viasat-approved poles listed in the Viasat Approved Materials List
Other Considerations
- The ground block must be within 20 feet of the NEC-approved ground
- The total cable run from the modem to the TRIA must be less than 150 feet
- All antennas must be located at least 20 feet from any overhead power lines and 3 feet from any standard power circuit or electric light
- Mount the antenna so that antenna does not impede foot traffic
Mounting Materials for Pole Mount
The Technician must provide the following materials:
- The pole – must be listed on the Viasat Approved Materials List
- 150 pounds concrete
- PVC sweeps – for every cable type
- If anti-spin pole is not used – an anti-spin device
- If using non-flooded COAX cable – PVC conduit
Installing a Pole Mount
Note: All cables must be on the Viasat Approved Materials List, or, meet the specifications listed in COAX Cable Specification job aid.
Dig the hole 12 inches in diameter and 3 feet deep, with straight sides, and a belled-out bottom

Pole must be a type listed in the Viasat Approved Materials List job aid
- The Pole must not extend, more than 5 ft above ground level.
- If needed: Install a 1/2 x 9-inch steel rod or other type of anti-spin device through the base of the pole to prevent rotation
Secure the pole base by pouring at least 150 pounds of quick-setting concrete into the hole
Level the pole while the concrete dries. Once the pole is level, and the concrete is dry, perform a quick tug test on the mount to verify that it is stable.
Dig a trench at least 6 inches deep from the pole to the house or building.
Preferred: Place flooded COAX cable at the bottom of the six-inch deep trench from the pole to the structure
- Ensure there are no 90-degree bends
- Each cable end (at the pole and at the structure) must be protected with conduit sweeps that extend from the bottom of the trench to at least six inches above the ground surface
If using non-flooded COAX cable, install conduit at the bottom of the six-inch deep trench from the structure, and place the COAX cable inside this conduit
- Ensure there are no 90-degree bends
- Each conduit/cable end (at the pole and at the structure) must be protected with conduit sweeps that extend from the bottom of the trench to at least six inches above the ground surface
- Add silicone-based sealant to the top of each sweep