Work orders with “BEP”
In the coming weeks, you may notice the word “BEP” or “BEP external order id” on a small percentage of work orders. This note refers to an upgrade Viasat is doing to our back office systems and will be rolling out in phases over the next month or so.

- Work orders with “BEP”: For now, any work order notated with “BEP” will NOT be able to have Viasat 360 products added, and do not instruct the customer to download the MyViasat application at this time. If the BEP order has Voice included, you will need to call IR to activate Voice.
- All other work orders will be able to accept Viasat 360 product additions and you should sign customers up on the current MyViasat application as normal.
We will send out another communication with “BEP” specific Viasat 360 and MyViasat information once the rollout is complete.