Unassign a technician
By unchecking the box next to the technician, you can also remove that technician from the order completely. Once you unselect the box it will unassign the technician from the work order and then autosave.
Once the order is unassigned then the work order could be assigned to a different technician.
Error The technician selected does not have the matching work time available
When a user attempts to assign a work order to a technician that does not have matching work time, they get the error message Error The technician selected does not have the matching work time available:
The Dark Green Bar (technicians available work time) must be within the same time limits or greater than the Light Green Bar (work order time frame):
Drag the Dark Green Bar in either direction to extend available work times. Once the Dark Green Bar is within the same time limits or greater than the Light Green Bar then click the checkbox next to technician’s name. Once the technicians name is checked the work order is assigned. The work order will auto save.
How to modify the work order time frames
If the date or time of the work order needs to change, do this while no technician is assigned. Uncheck the technician check box:
Right click on the Light Green Bar and select Modify task realization:
Modify task realization time pop-up will appear. This will allow you to update the work order time frames.
Enter the Start Date/Time and Finish Date/Time. Click Ok:
The work order time frames have now been updated:
The dispatcher would need to make sure the technician has available work time if needed. (Dark Green Bar)
Once the Dark Green Bar is within the same time limits or greater than the Light Green Bar then click the checkbox next to technician’s name:
Once the technicians name is checked the work order is assigned. The work order will auto save: