Version:4.6-WB-SNAPSHOT -fsm22 (05/12/2022 07:28)



On 5/18/2022 at 10 PM MT, FSM will be introducing the following new features:

QOI Detail Capture

*Important note*: These new details will have NO impact on current order closure process, it is simply providing additional details of the values that FSM is receiving. Order closure will work exactly as it did before, just with more information provided upon closure.

New QOI Fields:

Latitude/Longitude – FSM will display this new value upon order completion. It is NOT a pass/fail value, it is only an information capture.

New Details for existing QOI values:

For Antenna Pointing, FSM will now display Signal to Noise Ratio.

For Equipment (Cable & ODU), FSM will now display Cable Resistance.

For Software Version, FSM will now display the current software version of the modem.

Example of Service Call:

Quick Search Modification

The Quick Search bar will now also allow for work orders to be found by searching for:

  1. Billing Account Number (Most recently created order for account)
  2. BEP External Order ID

Full list of what can be searched for in the Quick Search:

  1. FSM ID
  2. BEP External Order ID *new*
  3. External Order ID
  4. Service Agreement Number (Most recently created work order)
  5. Account Number (Most recently created work order)
  6. Billing Account Number (Most recently created work order) *new*

Bug Fix:

Dispatch Board was not reporting “Where’s My Tech?” escalations correctly. This has been fixed.

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