Version:4.6-WB-SNAPSHOT -fsm22 (11/25/2022 08:59)

On 01/04/2023 at 10 PM MT, a new update for FSM will be released. Details below:

New Escalations Enhancements

General Escalation Updates:

  • FSM will begin to limit the creation of escalations on a work order to prevent multiple escalations from being opened for the same issue
  • FSM will begin to limit the creation of the “No Calendar Availability” escalations to only work orders with no calendar availability open

“No Calendar Availability” Escalation Updates:

  • This escalation can only be closed once calendar availability is open within the defined number of days
  • Users will see the following message when attempting to close the escalation if no calendar availability is open within the defined number of days

    • “No calendar availability found, Escalation cannot be closed”

Escalations Email Updates:

  • The auto generated emails to the field upon creation of an escalation will now include the note entered by the user upon creation of the Escalation in FSM
  • New “Escalation Notes:” field will display towards the bottom of the email with the note

Bug Fixes:

Fixed a bug where in specific cases, a dispatcher could re-open a work order after it had already been completed.

Fixed a bug where the FSM Mobile App on iOS would crash if there was an “empty” note on a work order.

Fixed a rare bug that allowed a Service Call to be completed with multiple work orders tied to the same Slot instance – underlying problem still in analysis.

Questions? Ask us at!