Tech Bulletin: New VS1 High Speed Plans Training Available Now

New VS1 High Speed Plans Training Available Now
Viasat unlimited Choice High-Speed plans for VS1 are now available, to complement current VS2 Choice plans. These plans provide VS1 and VS2 faster speeds and more data, so customers have more choices for their internet plan.
To make these new speeds possible, we are taking the next step in the evolution of VS1 plans with the addition of Enhanced Wi-Fi equipment. This additional equipment will allow SB2+ modems to reach speeds of up to 100 Mbps. The equipment will be included on all High-Speed plan VS1 work orders, and will also be added as a technician-installed upgrade for existing customers.
There is new training available, for all technicians that will cover ViaSat-1 High-Speed plans and new Enhanced Wi-Fi equipment in Viasat Discover.
Thank you for being part of our continued effort to provide the best possible service for our customers!