Tech Bulletin: Shelter-in-place and lockdown scenarios for technicians

Hello ,
At this time, for areas/states that fall into a shelter-in-place or other similar emergency orders, we believe Viasat Internet service is considered an essential service under these directives and thus we may continue operating as normal, unless there are any safety concerns. In support of this, please see the guidance documents from the US Department of Homeland Security (links below and available on the eGuide).
Please print these documents and carry them with you in the event you are requested to show any verification of essential travel or essential work to be performed. If you are turned away from performing a Viasat job due to travel or work related restrictions, please escalate the incident to your Retailer or Distributor.
State Specific Executive Orders:
Additional states will be listed on the eGuide as new Executive Orders or guidance is provided.
If you have any questions, please contact your local Retailer or Distributor for further guidance.