Tech Bulletin: Viasat Discover is LIVE
Important information on Viasat Discover
Read important information below to access your account
Your new learning platform – Viasat Discover:
Viasat Discover is where you’ll go to find the latest and greatest training. You’ll also find your Installer ID in your profile. Make sure to bookmark this new URL!
*Username is your email address. The default password is changeme
*Your username may be the email you used in Viasat Central, FSM or your dealership.
Important! Do NOT create a new account. If you’re receiving this, you’ve got an account in Viasat Discover. If you are having issues while trying to login, email us.
Upon login, you will be required to:
- Read and accept the Privacy Policy
- Read and accept the Terms and Conditions
- Change your password
Important! If you would like to see the site in
your language, make sure to change your language BEFORE logging in!
Your Installer ID and other information can be located under My Profile.
All installer IDs are valid. We can only display one Installer ID under My Profile.
Your account has been updated with your information and courses from Viasat Central, though it may take another day or two for your completion status to update.
Some other new items for you:
Your new training email box:
Same great service and answers to your training questions, just a different email address.
Your new eGuide:
Your new and improved eGuide is here! Find job aids, video and Tech Talks with Viasat Field experts. Make sure to bookmark this new URL!