Tech Bulletin: Attention Dispatchers – An Update on FSM and Adobe Flash

Attention Dispatchers – An Update on FSM and Adobe Flash
As you may know, Adobe Flash will no longer be supported by all major internet browsers as of December 31st, 2020. FSM’s current Scheduler is Flash based, thus a change is required to continue to support this functionality. As the Dispatcher role is the only one that utilizes the Scheduler, it is the only role impacted. The FSM Mobile App(s) are not impacted by this update.

Viasat and Comarch are working hard to replace the Scheduler with a long-term solution, which is a little more elegant and user-friendly. This long-term solution is targeted to be rolled out in February. Expect further communication as progress continues.
To maintain the use of FSM Scheduler between December and February, Viasat has created a separate version of the Viasat Browser. This version of Viasat Browser is specifically designed to work with FSM after the Flash end-of-life date. If you already have the Viasat Browser installed on your computer, you will first need to uninstall it and reboot your computer prior to installing the new FSM-friendly version. Computers are unable to have both versions of the Viasat Browser installed at once. Please refer to your Operating System’s instructions on how to uninstall software. To download the new FSM-friendly Viasat Browser: click here for Windows or click here for macOS.
As always, please reach out to FSM Administrators for any questions! Otherwise, stay tuned for more news on the new Scheduler, and stay safe! Thank you!