Managing Equipment in FSM



This Job Aid covers:

Browse Equipment

Browse Equipment using Search Filter Criteria

Basic Browsing Procedure

Browse for Single Equipment listing using Serial or MAC Number

Transferring Equipment

Transfer equipment from Mobile to Mobile Warehouse

Rejecting equipment transferred in error or not received

Receiving Equipment

Receiving New Equipment into the Warehouse Inventory

Service Call via FSM Mobile (Brazil Only)

This Job Aid supports the VSF Dispatcher audience.

Browse Equipment

To access the Browse Equipment page, select the Browse equipment item on the Warehouses tab drop-down menu. Equipment can be located by the search criteria on the Browse equipment page or by entering the equipment Serial Number or MAC Number in the Equipment identifier field accessed through the Manage Equipment button.

FSM Equipment Search Filter Criteria

There are several search filter options on the Browse equipment page. Not all the filters are used. Below is a description of each filter available when managing equipment in FSM.
Filter NameDescription
Part numberSelect one or more part number
SN (serial number)Enter the serial number of the equipment (TRIA or Modem)
MACEnter the MAC address of modem. This format must be AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA; where A is either an alpha capital character or a number (0-9). (colons must be included)
Equipment CategorySelect one or more equipment categories. Categories consist of Antenna, Modem, TRIA
Equipment VersionSelect between equipment versions.
ConditionSelect one or more of equipment condition
StatusSelect one or more of equipment status
ChargedSelect whether or not equipment has been charged. If this information is not important to the search, select “all”.
Equipment nameSelect one or more Equipment name listed in the FSM dictionary
DescriptionSelect one or more Equipment description listed in the FSM dictionary (i.e. SurfBeam Modem, SurfBeam 2 Modem Refurbished)
Warehouse IDEnter the Main Warehouse ID number from list provided by Viasat. Only applicable to Corporate level users.
LocatorThe Main Warehouse Viasat (Oracle) Locator number. Only used by Viasat personnel.
Fulfillment PartnerSelect the Fulfillment Partner from the drop-down list. For most users only one Fulfillment Partner will be listed. This will be the Fulfillment Partner that owns the Warehouse.
Sub inventorySub inventory number of the main warehouse. Only used by Viasat personnel.
Mobile WHEnter a Mobile Warehouse number (same as the Technician’s ID) of a Technician associated with the current warehouse.
Technician nameEnter a Technician name that is associated with that warehouse. Start by typing the last name, and then select from the Auto-fill list.
Delivery dateThis is the date the equipment was delivered at the warehouse. Select either a single date or a date range.
Received dateThis is the date the equipment was officially received by the Warehouse user into the warehouse inventory. Select either a single date or a date range.
Activated dateThis search function allows the user to search for equipment by activation date.

Basic Browsing Procedure

  1. On the FSM home page, select Browse Equipment from the Warehouses tab drop-down menu.
  2. Select the filters that represent the information desired.
  3. Click Search.
  4. The Search Results List displays at the bottom of the page.
  5. Select the desired equipment from the list and click the Manage Equipment button to open the Manage Equipment page.

Note: Hold down the CTRL key to select more than one non-contiguous equipment listing. Hold down the Shift key and click on the first and last equipment listing to select all listings between including the first and last listing.

Browse for Single Equipment listing using Serial or MAC Number

To quickly search for a single piece of equipment, use the following steps.

  1. On the FSM home page, select Browse Equipment from the Warehouses tab drop-down menu.
  2. Click the Manage Equipment button to open the Manage Equipment page.
  3. Enter the equipment Serial or MAC number in the Equipment identifier field and click the Add button.

Note: Enter the Serial Number as alpha-numeric. Enter the MAC address of modem with this format: AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA; where A is either an alpha capital character or a number (0-9). Colons must be included.

  1. The Add action displays the equipment on the record list.

Transferring Equipment

Dispatchers transfer equipment between two Mobile warehouses. This procedure may be necessary when changing the assignment of a work order, if the Technician does not have access to FSM via either the web site or the mobile app.

Transfer equipment from Mobile to Mobile Warehouse

  1. The Dispatcher determines that equipment needs to move from one Mobile Warehouse to another.
  2. On the FSM home page, select Browse Equipment for the Warehouses tab drop-down menu to open the Browse equipment page.
  3. On Browse equipment page enter the Mobile Warehouse ID of the warehouse where the equipment is currently located in the Mobile WH filter field and click the Search button. The Mobile warehouse ID is the same as the Technician’s FSM login, which is also their Technician ID.
  4. Only the equipment in the selected Mobile Warehouse will display in the Search Results area.
  5. Use the CTRL key to select the pieces of equipment needed to transfer to the other mobile warehouse and then click the Manage equipment button to open the Manage equipment page.
  6. On the Manage equipment page, click the Transfer button to open the Transfer popup window.
  7. In the popup window:
  8. Click the Search button to display a list of all related warehouses. Mobile Warehouses will display the Technician ID of the Technician.
  9. Click the Mobile Warehouse ID ( Technician ID) of the Technician receiving the equipment
  10. Click the Transfer button

On the Manage Equipment page the record(s) status displays as Transfer. The status of the equipment changes from Transfer to Received when the Dispatcher receives the equipment into the new Mobile warehouse.

Rejecting equipment transferred in error or not received

Occasionally the Dispatcher, in cooperation with the Technician, determines either that equipment being transferred to them is transferred in error or lost in the physical transfer process. The Dispatcher does not accept any equipment that is not physically on truck. The Technician is responsible for any equipment accepted and not on truck.

  1. Select Browse Equipment from the warehouses tab drop-down menu to open the Browse equipment page.
  2. On Browse equipment page, select the Search button.
  3. The equipment remaining in the Transfer status will display in the Search Results area.
  4. An error can occur for the following reason:
  • Mobile Warehouse to Main Warehouse transfer: Validate that the physical equipment is not in the warehouse inventory and should not be.
  1. For all equipment that is not in the warehouse inventory, use the CTRL key to select the pieces of equipment and then click the Manage equipment button to open the Manage Equipment page.
  2. On the Manage Equipment page, click the Reject equipment button
  3. On the Manage Equipment page, the record(s) status displays as transfers between Mobile Warehouses, the record is removed from the rejecting warehouse.

Receiving Equipment

After completing the Browse Equipment process and opening the Manage Equipment page, the equipment list can be managed with the Receive Equipment process below.

Receiving New Equipment into the Warehouse Inventory

When a piece of equipment is transferred out of a mobile warehouse, it is displayed in FSM with a status of In_Transit. Use the following steps to receive the equipment into the new mobile warehouse inventory.

  1. On the FSM home page, select Browse Equipment for the Warehouses tab drop-down menu to open the Browse equipment page.
  2. On Browse equipment page, select In Transit in the Status filter field and click Search.
  3. Use either the CTRL or Shift key to select all equipment listed in the Search Results area and then click Manage equipment to open the Manage equipment page.
  4. Validate Serial Number and/or MAC numbers of the physical equipment in the truck against the equipment records listed on the Manage equipment page.
  5. Use the Red X to remove any equipment records that do not match a piece of physical equipment in the truck.
  6. Use the Equipment identifier field and the Add button to add an equipment record for any physical equipment is in the truck but does not have a record in the list.
  7. Once there is one equipment record in the list for each piece of physical equipment in the new shipment, click the Receive Equipment button to add the new equipment to the warehouse inventory.

Service Call via FSM Mobile (Brazil Only)

1.       Select “Replaced equipment” (in English)
2. Enter the MAC for the modem or the Serial Number for the eTRIA.
3. The process to conclude is the same.