Tech Bulletin: New Viasat 360 Rewards System – Tango

New Viasat 360 Rewards System – Tango
Starting on August 1, 2023 we are migrating to a new rewards system for Viasat 360. We have heard your feedback on what you would like to receive for prizes through the 360 program and other seasonal rewards.
The program will still be called Winners Circle, but we are transitioning to a new system called Tango. There will not be a sign-up process where you will need to login to a portal – all rewards will be sent via email. You will still be required to sign up in Tax Identity.
New rewards process will look like this:
- You will continue using the app to attach add-ons during your installs. Viasat will continue to track these add-ons.
- Rewards will be sent out bi-monthly now, instead of weekly.
- Example, for August, you will see a rewards email from us on 8/17 and 8/31.
- The email will come from email address.
- In this email you will see a redemption link. Follow the link to activate your rewards and select a gift card!
Here are some of the new items you can exchange your points for:
- Amazon gift cards
- Best Buy gift cards
- Visa gift cards
New points values for products:
- Surge Protector = 5 points
- Ethernet Cable = 5 points
- Cable Management = 10 points
- Home Plus = 20 points
- Voip = 25 points
- Shield = 5 points
- Office Hours = 10 points
- Screen Cleaner = 5 Points
With this new system, you will receive less points for each Viasat 360 attachment, however, the value of each point has increased.
For tax purposes, you will still need to fill out a 1099 form to receive any points in Tango. You can fill out the 1099 form at the locations below. If you have already filled it out, don’t worry about doing so again.
- Viasat Tech Tools App
- Web Link:
The Winners Circle platform will shut down by October 3, 2023. Please be sure to use up any points you have in Winners Circle by then.
- If you don’t use your points within the current Winners Circle platform your points balance will be moved to the generic You’ve Got Points platform.
- The techs moved will receive an email with the details of how to redeem your points.
- It is best to redeem all your points in the Winners Circle platform to best utilize the redemption options!
- Points will not transfer to Tango.
If you have any questions about Tango, check out their FAQ.