Process Escalations
This Desk Reference covers:
This Desk Reference supports the Super Agent working for a distributor, for the benefit of the Authorized Reseller audience. It provides a list of email addresses and teams that resolve various escalations coming from an authorized reseller. It also sets the expectation for when ViaSat will have the escalation resolved.
For all items not listed below, send an email to
Order Entry errors – all types, including order maintenance errors
Send an email to
Include the following:
- Account number
- Customer Name
- Phone number
- Brief explanation of issue – i.e. explain the error and what is needed
Reseller Termination
Distributor receives request, and then contacts
Reseller / CTI Agent requires password reset for the High Speed Internet Customer Portal
- Up to 48 hours, excluding weekends
Note: The username/password to this site is the same as the user’s Support Portal credentials. Encourage the user to complete their Profile in the Support Portal to allow future self-resets.
Technician escalation during installation/service call
Customer slow, no, intermittent connection issues
NOC Escalations
- Severity Alerts
- Modem goes to Internet without activation
- Software Download (modem) does not complete after 1 hour
- eSVT
- Escalation LED
- Red Service Plan LED
Phone: 720-493-7300
Phone: 720-493-7400
eLearning Account Escalations
Note: Follow all steps in eGuide – Super Agent Escalation Guide before following this escalation path.
Reseller Billing / Invoice Escalations
Note: The distributor’s support staff must first review the Reseller’s invoice along with their monthly Buy More or Customer Base report to assist in resolution.
This escalation path is only followed if the Reseller’s concern is not resolved after reviewing these reports in conjunction with the invoice.